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AVE zingt Evensong in Geref. Kerk te Sliedrecht

Werken die gezongen worden zijn: God, be in my head - H. Walford Davies (1869-1941) • Hosanna to the Son of David - David Halls (1963) • Preces, Verses and Responses & the Collects - Michael J. Gibson (1939) • O praise ye the Lord - Sir Charles Hastings Parry (1848-1918) • Magnificat in B flat & Nunc dimittis in B flat - Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) • If I listen with My Heart - Sally DeFord (1959) / arr. Ryan T. Murphy (1971) • The Lord is my Shepherd - Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) • Praise, my soul - John Goss (1800-1880) • O Saviour of the World - John Goss (1800-1880).

Orgel: Arjan Versluis